It is the case that Dr. Deborah Hill, a licensed and board certified chiropractor operating out of California, works from the firm belief that everyone’s mind has far greater capability and is more powerful than most people will ever understand, which is probably what led her to develop the Shield Method, which is a mind-over-matter method for losing weight and taking greater control of life in general. It is that method that forms the basis for the creation of The Shielders Company.
The basic premise of the Shield Method is that it is possible for virtually anyone to learn how to use the "super willpower"they have to overcome their innate urges to do certain things that are antithetical to a healthy life. For example, the urge to eatmore than someone should can be overcome this way, as can the urge to smoke cigarettes or cigars, or anything else that is not good for them. By learning how to do this, they can avoid many serious health problems, as well as other problems that can negatively impact their quality of life. Comments are closed.